Leadership Team

Chief Operating Officer & Interim Co-Executive Director

Cynthia De la Rosa

Chief Administrative Officer & Interim Co-Executive Director

Daniel Lowy

Chief Financial Officer

Matt Armandi

Senior VP, Facilities

Louis Rebolledo

Executive Vice President

James Schiller

VP, Health Home

Romy Martin

VP, Behavioral Health

Hatsuko Otsuka

VP, Treatment Services

Tuesday Allen

VP, Care Coordination

Maria A. Rodriguez

VP, Human Resources

Rebecca Bloxson

Director, Resident Treatment

Dan Meltzer

Meet our Dedicated Executive Team

Over the past 50 years, our team has worked together to produce services and solutions that help our clients live a full, and rewarding life. Our managers and staff apply compassionate treatments and plans to meet modern healthcare challenges. Creating programs and wellness strategies that help society care for those on the fringes of society takes creativity and dedication. Argus Community’s hiring criteria focuses on people who compliment our vision: To provide innovative programs which help severely disadvantaged teens and adults to free themselves from poverty and drug abuse and build new lives based on work, hope, and responsibility.

Our culture is driven by one word: compassion. From our President, to our care givers, we treat our clients with respect and dignity. It goes beyond our mission statement, and into everything we do. Substance abuse, maladaptive behavior, re-entry from incarceration, chronic illness – we get it. Everyone’s fighting a battle, and we’re honored to be in that fight. Because New Yorkers are renowned for their toughness, their health care needs to be too.

Our culture is rooted in discovering new and effective ways to communicate with our team. It keeps us engaged and involved, as inspiration can strike at any moment. Finding each person’s ideal way to communicate ensures everyone will benefit from the support. That granular approach forms bonds and relationships that weave a tight-knit care model we extend directly to the point of care.

What works, what doesn’t, and what’s around the corner has been a philosophy that simplifies our leadership team’s approach to eliminating bottlenecks, and reducing inefficiencies. Managing an organization for over 50 years, you learn to consider the opinions and advice from everyone in the Argus Community.

Healthcare’s been at the forefront of the Technology Disruption. Downward pressure from agencies and restructuring are nothing new to Argus. Frankly, we welcome change. It’s how we’ve thrived over the past 50 years. That’s a unique perspective when your tasked with caring for large and complex populations, across various socioeconomic and geographic areas.

We rely on our time-tested network of affiliates and partners to identify trends and opportunities before needs outgrow resources. Our experience brings a myriad of services and programs to bear on the challenges of today’s neediest New Yorkers.

That only happens when you’ve been working with everyone in the Healthcare paradigm. From State Agencies to Regional Healthcare Facilities to Non-Profits and Community Organizations, it truly takes an entire village. And it only works when everyone shares experiences through open dialogue, for the greater good.